Ministry Leaders

Church Leaders


· The Rev. Dr. Carol Vaccariello, LPC. , Transitional Minister

· Carole Kirkendall, Council President

· John Diekmann, Vice President, Chair of                                            Trustees & Music Director

· Betty Sparr, Chair of Diaconate

· Jeff Knauff, Treasurer and Financial Secretary

· Kathleen McCuen, Council Secretary

· Charles Maffett, Church Organist

· Renea Hunt, Chair of Christian Education

Zion United Church of Christ

A Friendly Family of Faith


     On April 22, 2012, the congregation of Zion United Church of Christ of Steubenville voted to offer the position of "transitional minister" to THE REV. DR. CAROL VACCARIELLO, LPC. Pastor Carol has a diversified theological background and a wealth of experience working with churches and people. An ordained Disciples of Christ minister, her credentials include a Doctor of Ministry; Master of Divinity; an MBA in Participative Management; a Master of Science in Education; and a BA in Music Education. She is also a licensed professional counselor. All these, plus over 30 years of experience, uniquely qualify her to work with all kinds of people, providing Spiritual Direction and Guidance to help individuals and churches grow.


     Rev. Vaccariello describes her role in the church as "Kite-Tail Flying." She says, "Spirit blows, Kite either soars or crashes. My job is simply to hold on to the tail and go where the Spirit guides." She is an effective and visionary leader, whose gifts invoke the titles of Pastor/Healer/Teacher/Counselor.


     We invite you to come and listen to this dynamic and creative minister. Remember, no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Zion United Church of Christ.